01/02/2022 : FULL RE-OPENING
23/03/2020 : GOOD BYE FRIENDS😢
Today we officially close our activity following government decision regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19).
We hope this crises will pass and that we'll welcome you again soon in our beautiful mountains. Until that day we wish you to stay safe, stay home, to fight this virus. While we take care of our elephant family and enjoy the nature around us. In the meantime, don't forget you can participate to raise money to buy food for the elephants.
Thank you all and see you soon.
Mae Noi gave birth to a tiny little boy at 3am after 3 days of pain. You can read the story of this complicated birth on our social medias.

Kampai gave us a big surprise at 4.00am. She gave birth to a little girl at the least expected time. They are both well. Malee is joining the family just a bit more than a month after Dok Boua.

Our beautiful Jokia did a perfect job on this rainy night. The most cute and hairy baby arrived in our family.
The new enclosure is finished and ready to welcome our elephants for the night. We'd like to thanks again all the people who donate for this project.
We'll continue to improve their space as much as we can.
21/05/2019: CLOSING DONATION CAMPAIGN ON 31/05/2019
We will close the donation campaign to help build a new enclosure for the night.
You have until 31st of May if you want to donate. Thank you!
Dear friends, (En français dessous)
We opened a campaign to raise funds to build a new enclosure to let the baby elephants free of chain at night.
Ploy Wan is already enjoying this freedom at night with her mom Kampai but we would like that Por Kao can enjoy it too.
We estimated the cost of the work at 200000 bahts.
Any donation will be really appreciated.
You can click on the link below to enter the donation site.
Thank you all for your support!
Chers amis,
Nous avons ouvert une campagne afin de récolter des fonds pour construire un nouvel enclos pour laisser les bébés éléphants sans chaines la nuit.
Ploy Wan en profite déjà avec sa maman Kampai mais nous souhaiterions que Por Kao en profite aussi.
Nous avons estimé le coût des travaux à 200000 bahts.
Chaque donation sera vraiment appréciée.
Vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour entrer sur le site de donation.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien!
30/01/2019 :
Bathing the elephants is an activity that will be completely stopped on 1st of March at Chi Jungle Man.
We are asking our visitors for the month of February to consider it and try to take a step back at the river.
Thank you.
18/01/2019 :
Hi Everyone,
Last year 2018, the first year of Chi Jungle Man, by your visits you have helped us to buy enough food for the elephants.
We want this year 2019, to be a step forward for the well being of the elephants.
We already started a campaign to raise funds to improve their daily life by building some facilities.
(You can donate when you want, as much as you want, if you want to help us, by following the link : https://www.weeboon.com/en/campaign/build-a-new-enclosure-to-let-the-baby-elephants-free-of-chain-at-night-around-their-mum ).
Our second step is to leave the elephants more free during your visit by limiting the interactions with them.
And this is during their bath at the river that we want to make a change.
The elephants have to go to the river every day to cool off, to wash away dust and pests, to keep a healthy skin and relax.
Usually the people go with them in the river to help wash them.
However we know that they don't "need" our help to wash them.
In fact we can observe them immersing themselves in the water and then scratching on the sand or against each other.
This is a perfect moment for them to bond as a herd, to communicate, to relax.
This will be also a better way for you to learn about the elephants, to see them act naturally.
You'll still be able to feed them, walk by their side in the jungle or to the river and swim at the river if you want but we want to give them more space.
We hope you understand that our goal is the well being of the elephants.
We know that the people who visit us have a good sense of ethic.
We hope you'll continue to help us make things happen in a good way for the elephants by continuing to come see us.
Thank you.
PS: This will be on for the next bookings. For those of you who have already booked with us for this year, you'll have to decide on site. We know that change can takes time.
14/01/2019 :
Spend time with elephants requires to know and follow some rules.
1st : THE MAHOUTS : You have to understand that the mahouts spend their life with the elephants, 24h/24h, 7 days a week, days and nights. They don't take vacations.
One mahout takes care of one elephant. If there is a baby the mahout takes care of the mum and her baby.
That's how they can create a real bond with their elephant, know their personality and reactions.
2nd : THE ELEPHANTS : Because they are living together for years now, our elephants have formed a herd and the mahouts know them all pretty well.
There is however an exception with the only male of the herd, Papa Joe. As nice and sweet as he is in his every day life, only his mahout can really take care of him while he's on heat. During the musth he can become dangerous for any human or elephant.
3rd : ALWAYS listen to the guide or the mahouts.
Even if the mahouts doesn't speak English :
- If they show you to stay away from an elephant : stay away.
- If they show you to take another way : take the other way.
4th : We are lucky to have wonderful elephants and you have the chance to meet them.
But be aware that they are still wild animals and no pets, and that they have the same feelings as humans.
The adults are the more calm.
The babies were born here and listen most of the time the mahouts but they like to play and don't know their strenght.
5th : Don't try anything stupid with the elephants.
Don't tease them with food. They will win anyway.
Don't scream.
Be quiet and calm in their presence.
Talk to them nicely.
Show them that you care.
We never had any problem and we want to keep it this way.
So please follow the rules and enjoy your time with them.
Thank you.